Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS works to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS’ relief and development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Short Term Consultancy for Demand Creation Workstream as a member of the Campaign Technical Assistant Team (CTAT) Global Fund supported ITN mass campaign.
Location: Nigeria
Employment Type: Contract
Terms of Reference
- This Terms of Reference (TOR) provides the description and work to be done during the implementation of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) mass campaign (including integrated ITN and SMC campaign in states where applicable) in Nigeria.
Project Background
- Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an international non-governmental organization supporting relief and development work in over 100 countries. CRS programs assist persons on the basis of need, regardless of creed, ethnicity, or nationality. As CRS works through local church and non-church partners to implement its programs, strengthening and building the capacity of partner organizations is fundamental to the work of CRS. CRS re-established presence in Nigeria in 2000 and currently focuses on health, vulnerable children, agriculture, extractives and governance, and peace building programming.
- CRS has a long and rich history of collaboration with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). In Nigeria, CRS has been a Co-Principal Recipient (PR) for the Global Fund Malaria grant since January 2017. As a Co-PR, CRS partnered with the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP), various state governments and malaria partners and stakeholders to coordinate and implement the 2017 long lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) mass campaigns in 6 states. CRS also supervised and monitored an SR and supported a range of malaria treatment and prevention services at the state level.
- For the 2018-2020 (NFM 2) and 2021 – 2023 (NFM 3) Global Fund Malaria grant, CRS has remained a Co-PR with NMEP, strengthening the synergy and collaboration with NMEP to improve efficiency and impact. CRS worked closely with NMEP, Society for Family Health (SFH), Malaria Consortium, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), various state governments and other stakeholders to coordinate and implement Insecticidal Treated Net (ITN) mass campaigns in 13 states. CRS provided oversight and ICT4D leadership for the ITN campaigns. In addition, CRS supported the various stakeholders including NMEP and the SR’s in providing support to the 13 states supported by the Global Fund, for a range of malaria treatment and prevention services at the state level.
- For the 2024-2026 (GC 7) Global Fund Malaria grant, CRS will remain a Co-PR with NMEP and provide more innovative oversight to the 3 SRs (Society for Family Health, Management Sciences for Health, and Malaria Consortium) and will work closely with all stakeholders to scale up the implementation of life saving interventions and improve access to quality malaria services in the 13 GF supported states. These critical interventions include malaria treatment and prevention services such as Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention, ITN campaigns, Integrated ITN and SMC campaigns, Social and Behaviour Change campaign, and testing and treatment interventions. CRS will continue to collaborate effectively with NMEP, the 3 SRs and other partners to consolidate on the gains of previous grants and achieve more results through new approaches. The GC 7 ITN mass campaigns will be integrated with SMC campaigns in 10 states.
Summary and Purpose of the Consultancy
- The Campaign Technical Assistants Team (CTAT) structure was established to support states with the planning and implementation of the ITN distribution activities.
- The CTAT play a critical function for the initial mass distribution campaigns, a role focused on planning, facilitation, capacity-building, monitoring, data management and reporting during the campaigns.
- The CTAT will support a broadened state structure for the mass campaigns.
- Each CTAT is composed of three (3) workstreams; technical, logistics and demand creation.
- The purpose of this consultancy is to serve as a member of the Campaign Technical Assistants Team (CTAT) and provide state-level technical assistance and oversight on demand creation -related activities for the successful coordination of standalone insecticide treated nets (ITN) mass campaigns, including integrated SMC and ITN campaign where applicable.
- S/he will provide training, accompaniment, and technical support to the State Ministry of Health in the mass campaign.
Objective of the Consultancy
- The overall objective of this consultancy is to support in the implementation of ITN mass campaign including integrated SMC and ITN campaign where applicable by providing technical assistance and oversight on activities to State Malaria Elimination Programmes.
Main Tasks / Deliverables
- Support the adaptation and pre-testing of demand creation materials to align to state context.
- Support planning and budgeting for post-campaign activities focused on ITN hanging and use based on existing data and mapping of resources for behaviour change communication (BCC) in the state.
- Support state with development of advocacy and media kits and engagement of media
- Support identification of influencers and stakeholders for involvement in demand creation activities (e.g. malaria net ambassador).
- Promote advocacy and engagement at all levels (community, ward, LGA, state).
- Monitor airing of pre, during and post campaign radio jingles.
- Participate in state and LGA flag off ceremonies.
- Participate in media chats with journalists.
Specific Deliverables:
- Prepare adapted demand creation materials within 1 week from the end of microplanning activity.
- Prepare weekly activity report and share with your workstream advisor for review and further actions.
- Submit demand creation microplanning templates within 1 week of return from the state.
- Prepare and submit detailed microplanning and campaign implementation report 1 week after an activity.
- Submit detailed activity report clearly highlighting your specific tasks/role during the activity at least 7 days after completion of the activity.
Schedule of Deliverables:
- The work will usually be completed over a period of 11 days for microplanning and 55 days for ITN campaign implementation including integrated SMC and ITN campaign where applicable per state campaign implementation schedule.
- However, the number of days may change in some situations.
Required Qualifications
The consultant should possess the following combination of skills and expertise:
Qualifications and Eligibility:
- Minimum of first Degree in a relevant field such as Sciences, Social Sciences, Public health, or related field
- At least 3 years ITN and SMC campaign experience or other health programs
- Previous experience working in a National and/or State Ministry of Health preferred.
- Excellent English language skills (oral and written communication skills).
- Proficiency in MS Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
- Experience in behaviour change communication (demand creation activities)
- Experience in technical writing and oral presentation.
Desirable qualities:
- Knowledge of malaria and its prevention, diagnosis and treatment is required.
- Ability to interface with multiple stakeholders, representatives, and partners in a professional manner.
- Ability to work both in a team and independently.
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively under pressure and to prioritize competing demands.
- Experience of proactively identifying and addressing bottlenecks/issues desired.
- Experience of establishing strong working relationships with team members and state personnel.
- Previous experience in electronic data monitoring systems desired.
- Strong inter-personal and public relations skills.
Management Arrangements and Follow-up:
- The Global Fund Malaria project unit will provide overall supervision and management of the consultancy. Focal contact person on this consultancy shall be the Senior Manager, Vector Control, or the designee.
Key Working Relationships / Organizations:
- Internal: Logistics, Technical and Demand Creation work stream Advisors, Global Fund Malaria Program Team, and Procurement Staff.
- External: State Ministries of Health (SMOH), National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) within the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), technical and financial Partners, partner health facilities, Local Fund Agent (LFA), Global Fund Country Team, Chemonics, relevant Third-party logistics agents.
Time and Level of Effort:
- This activity is usually expected to take place within a period of not more than 66 days per state campaign microplanning and implementation schedule.
- However, the number of days may change in some situations.
- The deliverables are expected to be timely, and reports should be submitted no later than 7 days after the completed state campaigns.
Location of the Consultancy:
- The consultancy will take place in the campaign states.
Equal Opportunity:
- “CRS is an equal – opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, etc. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply”.
Statement of Commitment to Protection:
- “CRS’ recruitment and selection procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.
Application Closing Date
10th February, 2025.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online
- Resume’s that are not appropriately formatted (generally) will be disqualified.
- Only qualified persons will be contacted and invited for interview.
- Please note that candidates that do not adhere to application format or submit more than one application will be disqualified.